Selasa, 15 Agustus 2017

Nasib apes menimpaku beberapa minggu kemarin. 2 order open dispute. Pertama adalah order yang nggak kunjung sampai. Status terakhir paket sudah meninggalkan Indonesia (Jakata) tetapi belum masuk ke San Francisco USA, padahal sudah 1 bulan. Wajar aja sih buyer ngamuk. Kalau sudah begini saya ikhlas lah kalau harus kalah banding PayPal. Padahal sudah jelas2 ini kesalahan pihak ketiga alias couriernya. Sampe sempet mikir, enak banget ya couriernya... bisa menghilangkan barang seenak udelnya sendiri. Ah kampret!

Kasus kedua adalah aku ditipu buyer dari Malaysia bernama Muhd Wafiy. Muhd Wafiy from Malaysia is one of carder who hack or stole US citizen credit card.

Carder Muhd Wafiy from Malaysia is a criminal. His address is

Muhd Wafiy
Phone: +601137238988

Muhd Wafiy from Kota Bharu, Kelantan is a criminal who use stolen credit card to shopping online.

Please DO NOT ACCEPT his order, if you got order from this man Muhd Wafiy

alamat rumah hacker malaysia berdasaran google map

Kapok kon.. tak blacklist kamu! Dasar kriminal.

Muhd Wafiy dari Malaysia membeli 2pcs barang dari toko onlineku, pembayaran melalui kartu kredit stipe. Setelah barang diterima, pemilik kartu kredit menyatakan klaim kalau pembayaran tidak diauthorisasi alias nggak valid. Baru aku ketahui kalau penerbit kartu kredit si buyer berada di US dan alamatnya si Muhd Wafiy ini di Malaysia.

Sebagai seller, saya juga nggak suuzon kalau alamat billing dan shipping berbeda. Soalnya kadang saya juga begitu, misal saya pesan untuk ibu saya di kota S, atau adik saya alamat di kota bekasi dikirim ke jakarta. Dulu juga ada buyerku kirim ke UK untuk temannya padahal dia domisili di USA, fine-fine aja.

Hal yang kutakutkan akhirnya terjadi.. Stripe nggak bisa berpihak kepada seller apabila terjadi chargeback.

Email dari Stripe


11:39 PM (0 minutes ago)
to me
We're sorry to report that one of your customers has disputed a $70.00 charge (made through your account on July 10, 2017 (WIB)) with his or her credit card company. The cardholder is claiming that the payment was one that they did not authorize. 
When one of your customers disputes a charge, we're notified by his or her bank -- which automatically refunds the transaction -- and pass on as much information to you as we receive. Since the payment has been returned to your customer, we'll deduct this amount and the dispute fee from your account within the next day.
The good news is that you still have a chance to resolve the dispute and receive the amount and fee back. You can respond to the dispute through your dashboard; your customer's bank then makes the ultimate decision about how to resolve the dispute. If the dispute is resolved in your favor by your customer's bank or credit card company, we'll return both the disputed amount and the fee. 
Disputes are handled by your customer's bank, so we don't have any specific information about how this payment will be reviewed. However, we do want you to have the best chance possible in responding to these disputes. We've put together detailed documentation that can be very helpful in understanding and responding to disputes: 
You can view all of the details about the disputed payment and respond to the dispute right from the dashboard of your account: 
If you do choose to contest this dispute, you'll need to submit your dispute evidence by August 26, 2017 (WIB). If you submit after this date, we cannot guarantee the bank will accept or review your evidence. 
We realize how frustrating this can be. You can find answers to most questions at, and we'll be here to help you with any step along the way. Just reply to this email if you have questions. 
The Stripe Team

Aku sudah submit semua bukti-bukti pengiriman, bukti barang sudah diterima berdasarkan status pos indonesia, dll. Aku nggak yakin bisa menang, secara pihak bank sana pasti lebih membela dan memangkan nasabahnya. Ya.. pasrah aja kalau sudah begini.

Ya udah pokoknya gitulah. Sangat disayangkan.. si Muhd Wafiy dari Malaysia ini seorang muslim tetapi penipu. Semoga perbuatanmu segera dapat balasan dari Tuhan YME.

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