Kamis, 26 Oktober 2017

Dapat kabar menggembirakan dari Stripe. Dispute $70 akibat ada buyer yang membeli dengan kartu kredit curian bisa dimenangkan olehku.

Untuk yang belum tau ceritanya, bisa baca di sini, ditipu buyer malaysia.

Sebelumnya aku sudah memberikan bukti-bukti seperti bukti resi barang dikirim oleh pos indonesia, bukti tracking barang sampai, hingga info tentang data diri si hacker.

We have good news for you! The disputed payment from July 10, 2017 was successfully resolved in your favor by your customer's bank or credit card company. This means that $70.00 and the dispute fee will be returned to your account in the next few days.

You can see this in your dashboard (on the payouts page):


There's no further action required. However, in case it's helpful, you can find more information about the original charge right from your dashboard:


We're glad to hear that this worked out. If you're ever curious for more information about disputes, you might find our detailed documentation particularly helpful:


We'll be here to help you with any step along the way. You can find answers to most questions and get in touch with us at https://support.stripe.com/.


Stripe Team

Alhamdulillah uangnya kembali. Dan rencananya stripe akan mentransfer ke rekening payoneerku pada hari senin tanggal 30 oktober.

Seneng deh.. akhirnya ada uang untuk memperbaiki handphoneku yang rusak kena air. Alhamdulillah...

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Sebelumnya aku sudah memberikan bukti-bukti seperti bukti resi barang dikirim oleh pos indonesia, bukti tracking barang sampai, hingga info tentang data diri si hacker.


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